Freight Lounge Select aims to be and grow to a one stop shopping marketplace for Freight Forwarders. We want to connect the buyer to the seller, the forwarder to it’s partner, enable them to communicate easy and directly via web or mobile, connections at your fingertips, promotion and marketing through easy feeds, chats and personal profiles. We want to enable you to ask and receive quotes, make your bookings with industry partners, coordinate your shipments, make your payments and monitor same all through one platform!! We are convinced that this will be the future of networking and our target is to be amongst the leading networks in the world!


We do not aim to be the biggest network but the best network out there.

Our network will be supported by high quality tools using cutting edge software technology and will support our members communications and both their operational and financial business flows.

We want to create a stable network, with members that will invest in their own future, that will develop the network with us and that will remain in the network for many years to come.

We do not want to be an exclusive network, but we also do not want to be a network with an ongoing flow of new members in certain areas or countries. We want to establish, in each country or region, a healthy number of agents that will maintain a good quality of service that complement each other to a full package of logistic services and offers healthy competition to become a strong and aggressive network.


Our networks are initially set up for general forwarding but will expand in future to a non-exclusive network, a semi-exclusive network and specialist networks that will have a focus on a specific aspect of logistics or specific trades. We also have the intention to set up trade networks and connect them with our specific networks to really connect the logistic industry to their market.

We do not only want to be a network of business partners. The social aspect of doing business is based on building trust by building relations and relations are built on friendship. With our events we will create such relationships. Your business will not only be supported with the best technology, but the social aspect will be held up with high esteem.

The Freight Lounge will not only host network events but will also be represented or organize themselves opportunities and events to promote the network to the market itself and bring the business of our members to their clients.

With our technology we will connect all via one platform, ONE SOURCE DOES IT ALL!


Freight Lounge will be a leading network, don’t hesitate.

Join us NOW !

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